COMMUNICATIONS 2001 Career Expo Canada's largest Telecom and Wireless Career Expo
This event is hosted by the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA), together with The Globe and Mail and Workopolis.com. The event is taking place at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, November 6 and 7, in conjunction with the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association International Trade Show! Thousand of engineers, executives and technical professionals will be in Toronto for the trade show. In addition to attracting these candidates to the job fair, we are promoting this event and all of our exhibitors extensively. Exhibitors will have full access to the trade show floor as well!!
The Focus A Wireless and Telecommunications Career Expo event targeting all types of telecom professionals from across Canada. We will be targeting, exclusively, Engineering, Manufacturing, IT/IS, Software and Sales professionals with backgrounds in telecommunications, storage, broadband wireless, electronic commerce, internet, fiber optics, switching systems, ASDL, wireless and other related fields. The attendees at the trade show will be senior executives and engineers from the companies across Canada.
Print Advertising Ads have already started and will continue to run in The Globe and Mail Careers Section and the widely read 'Report on Business'. Upcoming ads are running Sep 5/7/12/14/19/21/26/28, Oct 3/5/10/12/17/19/24/26 and November through the event dates. In addition, we are running ads in numerous industry publications. Some examples are: Computer World Canada, Canadian Telecom, Global Wireless, Wireless Review, RCR, Radio Resource, Phillips, NetworkWorld, Mobile Radio Technology, Electronic Products and Technology, Antenna Systems and Technology AND MANY OTHERS.
Individual Display Ad: Each company will receive a complimentary individual (4 ¼ X 3 ½ ) ad that will run in The Globe and Mail Careers (special job fair section) 3 times.
Online Advertising The Globe and Mail, workopolis.com, CWTA.ca, and newspaperjobfairs.com will all have special buttons for the Career Expo on their sites. Employers will have a logo and link from the job fair sites. In addition, online ads will be on Canada.com, Yahoo!Canada (yahoo.ca),
globetechnology.com, and canoe.ca.