Healthcare and Social Services

Targeting Seattle's Experienced Professionals!

July 21, 2003  -  Red Lion Bellevue Inn -  11 to 6

Single Booth package includes:

  • 4 Weeks of extensive advertising in The Seattle Times and the Post Intelligencer.  Many ads will run throughout the paper to attract active and passive jobseekers.  NO JOB FAIR COMPANY can match this advertising campaign
  • Individual company ad running in The Seattle Times Special Event Section the Sunday before the event
  • Online and electronic event promotions hosted by,, and and an email blast to over 21,000 job seekers
  • Online Features include your company name as a "featured employer", a company description, job postings and full access to the online searchable database
  • A 8 x 10 foot fully draped interview booth

All Inclusive cost $2100.00
For more information please call
1-877-842-3976 x16